Waterfall Eyes

This activity is a safe way to explore what our goals are and what stresses us out or makes us more likely to avoid situations, sports, challenges, or anything that we may think we are not good at or that makes us feel too exposed or vulnerable. Start with the big fun feelings and try to get curious about ways to create more opportunities for these feelings to arise. The key is to start small and set yourself or your loved one up for experiencing success and confidence. 

As you move from the outside to the inner layers of your project, know that these feelings may be more difficult to discuss and may need to occur over multiple conversations. Take cues from your loved one when the conversation needs a break and be conscious of this and of your reactions. Kids often like to walk around while they talk and are often more open when they are given permission to move around. 

I love the book, The mole, the boy, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mc. The quote, “Isn’t it odd we only see the outside when almost everything happens on the inside” is central to the theme of this art project. Kids are often unaware of this and letting them know that nothing is how it appears can be liberating and transformative. Talk about how you can post the perfect picture and could have been crying five minutes before. Point out that most people don’t like to share what isn’t going well, but that doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. Perfect isn’t real and when we put on a mask, it is helpful to remember that everyone else is doing the same thing. 


The Hug


Menus and ART