The Hug

This activity can be used as a springboard to spark endless meaningful and genuine conversations with your loved ones. Hugs are a way to show love and affection, a way to help a child who is upset feel grounded and more able to catch your calm, and feel safe and secure. Touch is necessary for human survival and everyone has a different level of comfort with how and when they like to be touched. Explore this with your child and you may be surprised by how much you learn!!

The web is also an amazing springboard to discuss negative self-talk and the impact it can have on the way you feel and the activities you choose to engage in or to avoid. When we are overwhelmed it is very easy to get swept up in these thoughts. When we ignore them, we also end up in a negative spiral by accidentally giving them more energy. So what should we do??? We should acknowledge them and then we get to decide if the thought is helpful or true. Sometimes we need help from adults to see that the thoughts aren’t realistic or based on real facts. It can help to be curious and wonder where a thought has come from instead of asking or putting someone else on the spot. The key is in your tone, timing and delivery! Make it fun and not too serious. Come up with creative and funny ways to tell an unhelpful thought to go away. Have fun with it!!!!


Using Art to help Navigate Healthy Connection


Waterfall Eyes