Repeating Patterns

When you identify the patterns that are keeping you stuck, the how and the why become clear and you can release the sense of guilt and shame that often accompany trauma. Letting go, frees you to begin releasing the negative beliefs and stored emotional intensity that you have been carrying. This old energy is so powerful that it takes over by becoming the author, writing chapters that keep your past in the chapters that follow. It boils down to the fact that our brains prefer what feels familiar. As Virginia Satir says, “we prefer the misery of certainty than the misery of uncertainty.” 

Our brains and bodies are drawn to what is familiar, regardless of if it is in our best interest or not. This is not a personal defect, but simply the way the brain works. Once you understand this, you can become equipped to take back the reins by writing the next chapter with YOU in charge. Furthermore, you are able to help author a different story for your children by freeing them from decades of generational trauma! Your kids directly benefit from your work on an emotional and cellular level. The human brain is amazing and neuroplasticity and epigenetics are real. Read, What Happened to You, by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey to help you take back writing your own story with a sense of confidence and understanding. 

By Carron Montgomery, LPC, RPT, Level II EMDR Certified


Lessons learned: Generational wisdom emerging from the bottom up!


Parenting and How and Why it is Changing